






Go to any big money five-day bracket race and you will find dragsters and roadsters sitting outside in the sun all day long for the entire week....covered with tarps only over-night....some of these teams carry 4-5 dragsters in a trailer....they don't put them away every night....they would rather party

And these guys race week after week chasing the big buck races....they get their share of wear&tear


Have you got a dragster???? I have 2 of them a 2012 & 2014 both purpose built T/D,and have owned dragsters since 1990 and can tell you 1st hand you can not leave the cage & seat uncovered all day in the hot sun or the seat,steering wheel and every daymn thing else will be so hot you can not set down in them or touch anything!Most times at the Big $$$ Bracket Races we carry 2 dragsters & 3 door-cars and put all 5 of them back in the trailers.And I have never noticed people leaving their cars out all night while they are gone partying!But to be honest I have never rode through the pits at night to see if anyone has left there cars out.But I do know this for certain you let a dragster set out in the hot sun very long when you set your a$$ down it,it will be like putting an egg in a hot frying fan. Ask me how I know that.

Not interested in what you do with your cars....just stated what I'm used to seeing.....and my roadster would sit out all day with nothing more than my jacket on the cage.

No need for you to respond.


So you cover your cage with your jacket,is that not keeping the sun of your seat and belts instead of sitting open in the sun all day?

If you are foolish enough to leave your car sitting out in the open all day with your seat belts exposed to the sun all day instead of taking care of them like the rest of us,why should the rest of us have to pay for your Foolish mistakes?

I bet he wears his jacket.......but yet HE is the foolish one.............Pot, meet kettle.........LMFAO!!!!!

Monte your race car has not run since the "Roaring 60's" I think that tells everyone what they need to know about you! When and if you ever get your race car running again and only then maybe people will start paying attention to what you say.Talking about what one needs to do and doing it are not the same!When are you going to get off you Fat Butt from in front of the computer eating Bon Bons and telling us how great you are and show us how good of a racer you are?

I don't care if anyone pays attention to what I say or not. I am free to express my opinion like everyone else here, so thats what I do. People listen or they don't. Either way don't make much difference to me.

And One more time dude........even though I have said it SEVERAL times already. I make PLENTY of passes in the course of a year, just not in MY car at this time. I have a TS car in my garage right now that I will be testing when I finish my work on it, runs 4 teens. Will also be shaking down a grudge car in a few weeks we just finished up and it should be a low 4 sec player as well. I drive often for OTHER people.....and guess what, I WEAR my safety gear, ALL of it and never once complain about either having to buy, or wear it. In the past, I have driven alky funny cars, so I HAVE been on fire. I also had the wheelie bars break on a blown Pro-Mod, which put me on the roof a few years ago. I have NO problem with safety gear, because I have personally had it work for me on more than one occasion............And ALL you have done this whole thread is skirt the issue about you not wearing your own gear and talk about my car not running........which as of yet, have I figured out what THAT possibly has to do with this thread. But whatever dude.........carry on with it.

Oh yeah........and as far as getting in a HOT dragster, after it sits in the sun all day..........seems to me if you had pants, a jacket, shoes and gloves....it wouldn't really matter if it was hot...........LOL!!!.. But again, I don't know anything, because as you say, my own car hasn't run since the "roaring 60s"..........yeee haaa...........are we having fun yet........LOL!!!

Monte,do you want us to believe no more seat time that you have had you just jump in a Blown Pro Mad and make a pass
Racers who race weekly or for that matter once a month,do you think you could climb in a Blown Pro-Mod Car that runs 5:80's-590's in a 1/4 mile while having to shift gears and make a full pass?Think about it could you go from a 8-9 sec car with no clutch and hop in a Blown Pro Mod with a clutch and make a full pass?Yet Monte has not had his race car running since the 60's and you know there is no way he even makes 1 pass a month in any kind of a car much less drive a 8-9 sec car on a regular basis's.Monte gets carried away some times like in a post he made above when someone said they used old seat belts out of junk cars to pull engines & trans out of cars.Well Monte was not gonna let them out do him so he says..I Have Used A Rope To Pull Engines Out Of Cars!
As for him hoping in a alky funny Car with no seat time......
Would any of you that race weekly try and do that?
And to hear him Boast about how much better racer he is than the rest of us when his car has not running in many many years...if he was a good driver back then after going this many years with little to no seat time

PS I do have a fire suit that I can put on if I choose and get in my race car and race!

Last edited by MRMOPAR622; 01/25/15 09:20 PM.

"To Be The Man'You Have Got To Beat The Man" "T/D and Pro-Bracket Racer"