
How many of the ones who think this petition is such a great idea have been at the track when someone was killed? How many have a friend who was a great guy and had a successful business, but now can't feed or dress themselves? How many have had to help clean up the mess when someone crippled themselves by wrecking a piece of crap with too much horsepower?

The only time any motor sports are mentioned in the main stream press is when somebody gets killed or crippled. Great image. No wonder John Q. Public thinks we're a bunch of hilljacks, rednecks, and borderline retards. You Tube is full of stupid crap. That's real helpful for those who are trying to run a clean, buttoned down operation and get some support for it.

It's taken a lot of people getting hurt and killed over the years to end up with the rules we have, and frankly, I can't believe we are having this conversation over a $65 set of seat belts. Really?

This chart is from the SFI website. Now you can tell me about picking cars up at the junkyard by the belts or the flawed testing process, but until you show me your engineering degree and your own test results proving this wrong, I don't care.

Now if they started a petition to encourage the sanctions to crack down on tracks that have zero tech, let junk go down the track and people to kill and cripple themselves due to their own stupidity, I'll sign that one. That would be infinitely more helpful for everyone.

If I were allowed to take data with me when I retired
I'd be more than happy to show you data that contradicts
this.... but Chrysler doesnt allow data to be taken...
but even with 2" belts they last for YEARS in a car...
otherwise they would fail impact and warranty