I did this, the real order was
1) mark v.
2) houser
3) mazz
4) rains
5) dave r
6) faherty

I took each choice that you made and came up with a difference score.

if you picked rains for #1 you recieved a score of 3 for that slot. I added all the numbers up and came up with a score

ASA got an 8 spread .19
8 JJ .16
8 chris .26
8 11 sec .32
8 Whomper .17
8 dave watt .20
10 68 fast
10 frito
10 ts
12 lo23
10 ss john

so there were alot of 8's, and the tiebreaker was the spread, so the winner is Jared Jordan.
I am sure people will have other opinions, but I put more thought into this that I really can afford to.
I think it was a fair way to do it

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