

Pale Roader, explain to me how my 72 is automatically heavier than a 70?

Shipping weights pretty much increase every single year. Sometimes 5lbs, sometimes 100+. Every year Big Brother tries to save a few more lives (or make a few more bucks) by mandating more and more stuff that used to be optional, or just new stuff altogether. Cars get heavier, parts get heavier, cars get quieter, smoother... a LOT ov this is NVH reduction. Cant speak specifically for Darts, but in most cars even the visibly identical 72 bumpers are heavier than the 70. Some a lot more. Brackets grew. Brackets multiplied. More options often means more wiring. As everything got "better" everything got heavier... it wasn't just dropping compression ratios that killed performance in the 70's. Look around today... you have small little Civic-sized cars with aluminum EVERYTHING, fibre-optic wiring, lightweight EVERYTHING... with weight-reduction technology that would seem space-age in 1970... and they still weigh close to 3000lbs.

Will someone please explain to me how a 72 Pinto Runabout (stripper) weighs 165lbs more than (pretty much the EXACT SAME) 1971 Runabout? There's some homework for ya...


I like your ideas man but, you seem to think your the first guy to think of removing a spare tire from the trunk to save weight.

Hardly. Hey... i argue for modern engine/drivetrain components too... and its usually with the guys here that think a Mopar .509 cam and open headers solve all problems. Just because it worked, even worked well before doesn't mean that someone hasn't found a better way.


Been there and done it with a Dart already and have PROOF of the results.

Do you have a site or build-thread detailing everything done/put into your Dart? I'd like to see what you've got.

the car was first put together with frame connectors and setup as a street/strip car in 1998 and I'm not sure it had the glass hood yet when it was scaled then and weighed #3260. In all honesty with the lift off hood it could weigh 3210 or less. My 72 has no difference in bumpers from a 71 because it actually has 71 bumpers,but the originals were identical except for little bumper guards. I was going to scale my car 2 weeks ago before I pulled the BB out, but ended up having to get the engine out sooner rather than later and it didn't happen. I failed myself on that one because I wanted before and after gen III weights. IMO if I was starting from scratch I would snatch up a 65 v200 and build that. Those cars are stupid light.

Mopar to the bone!!!