


"The original holes in the outer reinforcement were .280". During Testing, we found that if the holes were increased .030" (to approx. .310") air flow was increased greatly even when filter was partially obstructed with debris or moisture."

I'm sorry, but this is complete bs! They made the holes "approx. . 310" because that is a common size die (5/16" which is actually .312) They took the easy and cheaper way out.

I getting more and more confused with what is the issue here Someone offers a product that to some can't be found for a reasonable price, some want it to be absolutely perfect that you can't tell it from an original and would or should cost as much as an original or the ebay Fram re-runs price ($400+). If you don't like it move on and go buy one off ebay or I'll sell you my NOS air filter with the bid starting at $1,000.

Come on Mike,be reasonable,I didn't pay more than $25 each for my originals back in the 70's !.