



I just have to say I have no respect for anyone who has to plead guilty to federal drug charges. Cheater or not that shows a serious lack of character in my book and don't care if he ever makes it back to the show. He had it all going his way and threw it away over dope.

I agree 100%.

Yep, 200% here.

I had a great deal of respect and admiration for Alderman...until that. Then it went to ZERO. He's a punk, plain and simple. NHRA sucked on this deal too. They reinstated him (oh no, no pressure of race sponsor Mopar...), but won't reinstate Eckman, give me a break.

Calling Darrell a punk is out of line. He was hands down one of the most generous and amiable racers around. I'd much rather the world be filled with people like him than people who don't know a person and then make charachter judgements based one mistake. But hey keep on talking dumbass.

Guess I`m a punk too because of my addictions(which I`m clean 20+ years). Whatever, you must walk on water and have a money tree in your backyard, and cut perfect lights,and have a perfect wife......kind of reminds me of the cheese heads that beat their wife, kick their dog and fondle little children then go to church to make it all go away. Gimme a break........

BTW, I believe all Eckman needs to do is pay his fine if he wants to drive again.

Besides, he does still attend races. He was a crew member for someone, at least he was a season or two ago.