A voice of reason!

Think about this logic as well;

All NHRA people? Corrupt, they all kept the facts quiet.
Even the NHRA people that hated the fact that Mopar was kicking their beloved Chevy, Pontiacs and Fords Butts!
Naa, if given the chance to make the Mopar team / people look bad and proven to be cheaters, Yep, they kept their mouths shut! Even after all these years.

Even that guy /Wife or X / Girlfriend or X OR ANYONE that could make all the X whatevers (that would have been involved), or the whole Mopar World look bad for cheating
by coming forward with proof, has never said a word or brought the evidence forward. That person or these people could be heros or at least! make someone they now despise,look really, really bad, has kept silent, after all these years.

All the race crew? Corrupt, no one said a word. Even after all these years.

The Police who investigated the break-in? Oh yeah! They kept the fact that it was a setup all quiet, even at the risk of perjury charges and getting themselves in trouble.
And we all know that there was not one Police Officer that was a Chevy guy, that would have loved to reveal the truth, if he knew it and had the proof! Even after all these years.

Now the big picture! After all these years, every person that would have had any knowledge of the truth / facts, kept their mouths shut as well as their co-workers, family members, friends of thiers who they would have shown the "FACTS" they had, to prove the Mopar Team was in fact using juice.

I strongly think that had their been proof / factual evidence someone out there would have gladly brought forward this information and made them selves look like heroes to all the Chevy / Ford / Poncho / Olds masses.

It's a huge, right wing conspiracy! Or at least Anti Mopar conspirancy.

It is encumbent on the accuser/s to prove their case. If not? It never goes to the Prosecutor, much less a trial.

You all hate the speculators for driving the price of Oil up! Why so quick to not condemn the speculators who accuse our Mopar brothers.
I don't get sucked into bandwagon jumpers on, I wait for the facts and then make judgements. I for one would love to see the proof! It would finally put all this crap to rest forever! It is what it is! All speculation at this point! Nothing more! Nothing less!

In a court of law, the only thing about this whole issue that would hold water, would be defamation, libel or slander suits.

I for one, would love to see some facts / proof, instead of all the hear say and speculation or my buddy used to work for so and so and he told me.................

That's about all I have to say, regardless of worth!

BTW - Here are 2 facts! 1- Billy Glidden admitted to his Dad and NHRA AND SHOWED HOW HE DID IT!

2 - Eckman got caught, because his tank exploded out of the car and tons of people in the pits had to Dodge the parts and obviously witness to the whole event.

Hide juice? Sure that's easy! Make it be consistant and not be noticed event after event, in different weather, different track surfaces and all the other variables, not so easy.

All fun to discuss and banter about! So far, you accusers have had no facts! Court adjourned until proof is brought forward!

No ones minds will be changed until facts / proof is finally served up. Have fun!

Chuck West