Say what you want about the Wayne County break in,

Say what you want about the Wayne Country cars running nitrous,

Say what you want about a man using drugs,

But to call DA a punk, or loser or whatever because he lost parts of his life to drugs is absurd. He lost it, and REBUILT IT. Comment on the WHOLE story.

I can assure everyone here from first hand experience, that when you have lost it all to your own recklessness, it takes a monumental effort to get back up, regroup, and rebuild your life.

People screw up, they know it, and all they want is a shot at getting "right". Try to get a fair shake when it happens to you. I got news for ya, you dont.

Untill you yourself have fallen to the lowest points possible in life, you dont have the experience or knowledge of what it takes rebuild.

The pic of DA holding his granddaughter says it all......" I rose, I fell, I picked myself up."

To those who have lead the "straight and narrow" for your whole life, you are to be commemded. Doesnt give you the right to look down upon others from the pedastel, with scorn and criticism.

I used to care but....... things have changed