So many rumors and stories about the Wayne county racing operation. I am a policeman and agree Darrell's drug woes were very bad indeed. But so many forget he was offered a deal by the Feds and N.H.R.A. back then. If he ratted the others racers out he would have not been suspended and received a much lesser sentence. Respect on my part goes out to a man that knows he did wrong and fixed his life. Seen so many people on both sides and respect those who take the heat and recover. As for he never did good again in racing thats false as well. He won one more championship before the "infamous" break in at the Wayne county facility. So he could still hang with the big boys SOBER!!! As for Scott he did suffer from a fall from his roof, but he did not die from it. He suffered a massive heart attack. When its your time if you are 1 or 101 you go. I still remember getting the call that Wayne county won the Gator Nationals for the 1st time. I couldnt fall back asleep, the call came in at 1 a.m. Darrell if you read this please in some way get back into contact with your fans!!! We all miss you and you smiling ways. It is an inspriation to all the Mopar boys out there.
Sincerely, Kenneth R. Michalik