I had a good final day off before returning to work tomorrow. Stayed on schedule with the Cordoba, my daughter helped me in the shop quite a bit, and I even found toilet paper on the shelf at Meijer today!

I'll need to find replacements for these decals at some point.

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The car was very cooperative today. Upper radiator hose came off the neck without issue (no coolant, as expected). The four bolts for the shroud and 4 at the water pump for the fan clutch and fan blade assembly came right out, and the shroud/fan/clutch all lifted right out of the way.

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The brass is green with corrosion, and the steel side brackets are rusty, but it seems structurally sound to me.

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Bottom hose put up a little bit of a fight, but came off clean, with no damage to the tank or nipple. Got about a gallon of coolant out of the block/water pump housing, all clean and bright green. I couldn't have been happier about that. Having topped it off with pure water when the radiator split eons ago, I was afraid there would be some corrosion inside the engine. But no signs of that here.

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Taking a break from the radiator, I dumped the pure water out of the battery, and set the fan up to try and dry the battery out as much as possible before I start drilling on it.

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Back to the radiator. Last night, I found that the threaded adapters in the lower tank for the trans cooler lines would turn in the tank. Good news. The the lager nut on the line would turn on the adapter. Also good news. But then I noticed that on both the inlet and outlet lines, the nut was NOT spinning on the tube, but was corroded to it. Any major effort to turn them would twist the cooler lines. So before I turned in, I dropped some PB Blaster on them, and let it soak overnight.

Today we broke out the small acetyline torch set I have, and heated both nuts (I did one, my daughter did the other), then tapped on the nuts and pipes with a hammer. Tried them both again with a line wrench, and they came apart smooth as butter. Four more bolts on the radiator frame, and out she came.

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Rod that ties the two frame sides together. Threaded only on the last inch of the end with the nut. This end is just like a nail head.

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Hard to believe that a thread and nut that rusty and that small will come apart. We'll see what they can do with it. I went ahead and hit it with PB Blaster tonight, so it can soak until I take it over to them tomorrow.

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Given it's age, I didn't think it looked too bad inside. Upper and lower hose openings into the upper and lower tanks shown.

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That "extra" tank width from having one one row or core makes a great place for debris to get trapped behind the condenser.


Walter P. Chrysler Club - Great Lakes Region
Member # 12304
1970 Plymouth Duster
1972 Dodge Charger Rallye
1977 Chrysler Cordoba