Originally Posted By maxfield303H1E
With all due respect, your thought process doesn't get you any closer to the reality / actuality of how they manage their inventory. Unless you specifically know how they rotate their stock from either working there yourself or talking to one of the employees, it's a waste of time discussing opinions based on nothing more than unsubstantiated speculation.

Again, you need to think like a manufacturer. Would you take the time to do small runs or would it be more cost effective to do a large run and have product on hand to be shipped out right away when an order comes in?

Actually I've been an engineer for manufacturers, mostly automotive and truck, for over 25 years and have spent more than my share of time in plants and distribution centers.
Hope I've learned a few things in that time.
I was mistaken when I relayed my recollection from what my restoration guy told me 2 years ago, that they were stored flat before shipping. He told me they weren't rolled up until shipping, he may have told me they were made to order, he may have mistakenly said they were stored flat, I don't recall after 2 years. After Dave snuck in here around his ban and said ACC doesn't store carpet flat, I thought about it and realized he was right, but also I thought about it from my manufacturing background that it didn't make sense to have thousands of different iterations of carpet rolled up in boxes sitting around for anywhere from days to forever in warehouses waiting for orders either.
At any rate, I was just passing along what my restoration guy told me as to how to get flat carpet quickly on a budget. I tried what he told me last fall on my convertible, my new mass backed carpet looks great and I can't wait to drive it soon when the season starts, and enjoy the $200+ I saved too.
At any rate, I'm at work supposed to be figuring out how to set up a damn Def tank for an export sewer vac truck with EuroV Cummins engines right now, not arguing on the internet about my carpet is flatter than yours or who knows more about manufacturing! catfight
More than one way to skin a cat, Dave makes great products, no reason to not buy his product if you choose, but no reason to say that's the one and only way to get a good carpet installation either. And certainly no point arguing the issue to death! wave beer