Originally Posted By Mastershake340

My understanding is the ACC carpets are stored flat until they are rolled up to put in a box to ship an order.

I thought it best if I set the record straight before any additional falsehoods were made regarding this topic. First let me say that we NEVER pick a Carpet color for our Customers. Our ordering possess is very customized to accommodate our Customer's selection. Nothing is ordered until they select and/or agree upon the color they order. We even send small "samples" cut from our swatches to ensure they are aware of the EXACT color they will be receiving. You can see the little pieces cut from our samples (sent to our Customers) in the picture below. We have every color ACC provides because ACC manufactures our Carpets CUSTOM to our specifications. We don't have a "Chrysler" color because ALL of their colors are offered to our Customers as Chrysler colors. If your Carpet matched an AMC color better than the Chrysler color they use for a default, we can have your Carpet custom manufactured withe that particular color! ACC has colors they offer to the Chrysler Market, while we open EVERY color up to our Customers to make sure they get a color that best represents their selection. For the record, we don't make a penny on the Carpet we sell. We probably lose money on every set that goes out. I pay ACC more than what their advertised Carpet typically sells for delivered. I only offer Carpet a couple of times a year to those who want the best custom fit product that they can buy. I had this carpet Custom made for my projects and I periodically offer it to the Hobby as a favor, for those who are more concerned with Factory correctness than saving a few dollars for a lessor product.

Second, you would have to be naive or delusional to think that ACC is inventorying their carpet "flat" until a Customer orders it. I know how their manufacturing is done because I work with them in this area. The rolling of their Carpet process is part of their manufacturing process. Every Carpet they make is rolled on their assembly line and forced into a box after it has been shaped and molded. Do you think they are removing their Carpets off of their processing line, stacking them throughput their Facility and then handling them again to package when a Customer orders it? Their machinery rolls them TIGHT and then puts them into shipping box. One of the reasons our Carpet cost more is due to the fact that they have to run our Carpet on a separate day in a dedicated fashion. They have to change their normal manufacturing process to hand remove our Carpet from the line before it gets to the rolling phase. Since this adds extra steps for them, we get charged more for the benefit of keeping the Carpet flat. That's exactly how the Factory had their Carpets shipped to them. Flat! Whether it be 5 minuets or 5 days, rolling the Carpet FRACTURES the molded backing and it can never return to its original shape. Try folding paper and then laying it flat again. It may be flat to some degree but you will never remove the seam that's left on the paper's surface.

We have Restoration Shops that claim our Carpet saves them HOURS of installation time due to our "flat manufactured" feature. They don't have to get out heat guns or put their car in the Sun for days in hopes that it removes the bumps and imperfections that "rolling" caused. Since you have come here to present false claims about our products and related information, I didn't think you would mind if I presented the facts!