
Ok, so you are getting the info third party then. I'd like to see ACC's warehouse if they store all of their carpets flat since that must take up a HUGE amount of space. Having them rolled up and boxed would certainly take up a lot less space making that space available for other machines or product or whatever. Logically thinking, with all the varying styles of floor pans they have for not only Mopar, but all of the other brands they sell, even if they were to stack all of the carpets "flat" on each other, wouldn't the carpeting get crushed if another body style was laid on top of it since the mold would be different?

Again, I have no clue what ACC does as I have never seen their facility, but as a business owner, I know that my space is precious. Any wasted space is like throwing money out the door. Kind of like leaving a window open yet having the heat going full blast.


Just curious but was that the color that you and the employee at ECS agreed upon after discussion or was that the color that you told them that you wanted?