

Assuming we don't have the option to change crossmembers, ride heights, or anything else...

So if you have a trans that has 2 degree's to the driveshaft.

Options/opinions are:

1) Give the pinion 2 degree's (under load) to be equal and opposite of the trans.


2) Give the pinion 0 degree's under load "to the driveshaft so at least 1 of the joints is optimized.

That's basically the two opinions we're talking about here right?

Number 1 is the correct method. Number 2 is the Incorrect method.

You Cant optimize 1 ujount angle. They Work in sink with one another.

Sure you have one Less angle, But thats a Bad thing. Yes it will work. But its working in a bind eating HP.

The Type of Vids I referred to earlier can and will Clearly show this. Wish I could Link them.

#1 The Best Angle is No angle. #1

#2 Next would be Parallel angles on seperate planes #2 "80% of us'

"3 There isnt a #3 IMO But if there must be, Measure off the shaft, its workable, but a guess.

No flared temper here either

Just the Tech Facts.

I'll stick with the way I do it... thats the best
way... so everything is in line and zero hp taken..
so this is the last post for me on this crap