From a "competition" point of view, I'd be interested to know which tranny is the lightest... Passon 4spd od, 5spd, Kslr 5spd, or 6spd?

Too much shifting may not be the best advantage... drive the car without having to worry about shifting... road course racing can allow some time to shift, but pylon autocrossing doesn't favor time to shift up/down... too much lost time and upsetting the car's balance while manuevering through the cones... fractions of seconds add up quickly.

Mopar Mitch "Road racers and autocrossers go in deeper and come out harder!"... and rain never stops us from having fun with our cars... in fact, it makes us better drivers! Check out MOPAR ACTION MAGAZINE, August 2006 issue for feature article and specs on my autocross T/A!