

More like comparing apples to unicorns, one is a real transmission that has been around for years and the other is not in the hands of the public. Plus this is the corning section were most guys don't mind a bit of cutting or fender rolling. Not many here have big dollar original number matching cars that they are road racing.

So I guess a guy who road races AND enjoys original cars isn't welcome in your little club?

Why then was a transmission that's "not yet in the hands of the public" even being asked about? If you want to compare transmissions why not compare products that have been around a while in racing? Why drag a Passon into it?

I never claimed to be the club welcoming committee, and I have no idea way someone would ask about a transmission that is not on the market, you would have to ask the guy who posted that question. I did not drag the Passon into anything, the original poster asked about it and you jumped in to tell us all the advantages it has, even though I can't buy one.

A new iron curtain drawn across the 49th parallel