Dale had barely been able to keep the 440 idling when the Gremlin had returned back into the yard, so he tore into the 1050 Ultra HP almost as soon as the hood was off. Air bleeds, jets, and removing some odd looking petroleum jelly looking crap from the fuel bowls seemed to help a great deal, and soon it was sounding much better. Next he stuck James in the car, and shuttled the welding leads inside. The current seatbelt mounting tabs were not going to work with his new v-belts, so they had to weld on new ones, no small feat in a finished car, which is why he had saved this task for a professional! Unfortunately Dale didn't equip him with any welding gloves, so the language coming from the car made one think something was going horribly wrong! The tabs looked great, and the interior of the car suffered less than James' hands, so Dale was happy with the results!

While the under dash wiring was complete on the Truck, The turn signals, horn, and several other accessories were ran from toggles on an aluminum plate center console, and that had yet to be finished. Boone had been working on it for quite a while with mixed results. I had retired to a lawn chair in the back of the shop, where I was having a great conversation with Tom, the elder statesman of our little group. He is an interesting hot rodder with one foot firmly in the past, and the other boldly striding forward into the future, so any time spent in a benchracing session with him is always time well spent, even in our present situation!

Dale came in from playing with the Gremlin in the dark, and joined Boone to finish up the wiring, soon they had Tom and I out of our chairs, watching the signals on each end of the truck. Once that operation was deemed a success, and I realized the clock was quickly approaching midnight, I excused myself from the madness and headed to bed, certain that Saturday was going to be a very long day!

This is a pic of Tom, in one of his many toys, giving Dale's son a history lesson...

"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines