Thursday morning found me up early, but Dad was already on the back porch reading his Bible.
"You want to help me get all these tires over to Robertson?" I asked him.
"Sure what do you want to do?".
"You take the 1 ton over, and I'll follow you in the '66".
We pulled into a packed parking lot, and went inside. I explained to the salesman that I wanted 2 trailer tires, mounted; two new tires on the rear of the 1 ton, mounted(rain in New Mexico had convinced me a little more traction might be beneficial); and 4 tires swapped to different wheels on the 66 Satellite.
"You may want to leave it all with us, if possible", he smiled, "You're about the 10th ticket in line already".
"What are we talking, 30 minutes, an hour?" I feigned disbelief.
"Naw", he laughed nervously, "You may want to get a ride, it's going to be longer than that!"
Dale picked us up about 45 minutes later, and we popped into O'Reilleys for another of the seemingly endless runs for shop consumables, paint, fluids, and hardware. Back at Dale's house, Mom and Rachael were putting the finishing touches on a massive breakfast, and we sat around the table contemplating the best uses for the last 60 hours of available time before we had to be on the road for Bowling Green.

Below is part of the background of another photo I shot on Wednesday afternoon, which shows the Barnyard's doors leaning against the fence, one still in primer, vitually untouched since last year.

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"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines