
Drag Week 2011: The Experience

Drag Week 2012: The Preparation

Drag Week 2012: The Experience

I started the new story on Saturday morning, March the 16th, right after the crazy registration period that saw 250 Drag Week entries filled in a mere 8 hours. I was about 45 minutes into my opening post when my wife came home from work...and promptly went completely ballistic!! Yelling about how I don't make her important, and how mad she is that I've been spending so much on the cars lately. Then, to emphasize her point she started to reach for the freshly opened car part boxes dominating the kitchen table, but with what little self control she had left she turned her anger to a brand new box of saltines from the counter. Hurling them to the floor, she bagan kicking and stomping the poor box into oblivion as she related all the reasons why I am a terrible husband. As she ended her tirade, she stared at me, lowered her voice, and said, "I bet you're on Moparts right now bragging about how you got entered to Drag Week again! You are already starting a new story aren't you!!"
"Uh, no..no honey I was simply reading BangShift", I replied as I frantically moused over the little red X in the corner...click, 45 minutes of typing wasted, but at least I was in better shape than that poor box of saltines!

A man has got to have fun My wife never talks bad aboout how much time i spend on Moparts Wait a minute, maybe there sisters Now that I think about it a little, all women thank alike, huh

Mr.Cab Racing and winning with Mopars since 1964. (Old F--t, Huh)