
I hear you, I do agree, that list is old.
Curious still ( not trying to be a smart a..) how many members do have door cars N/A running sub 8 sec time slips here ?


Not to be a smart a, but to what purpose would someone set out to build a sub 8 sec N/A door car??? Top Sportsman allows N20, Q/16 does too, what there is of it. Don't need that much to run SC/SG (Although it would be nice!!) Most heads-up stuff isn't NA, and if it is, there are chassis/tire/weight restrictions which keeps the cars from the sub 8 second zone.
This is what I mean by a niche market..what you guys are calling "Hard Core" racers, even the opportunity to race those cars is dwindling.

"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines