I think most of it is Money is tight for everyone not that there aren't cars. When my Dad, Bill, Andy, Lenny, Leon, Mike R., Mike G., and I know I'm leaving alot of people out but people seemed to race then, even if they were off the fastest cars pace It wasn't outrageous to come race. Now I can't drive all over the country to race without having a chance of winning. I don't know about everybody else but me and My pops business is making less money now than in the late 90's. and how much more is fuel, motels, entry fees's, I'm not even gonna start on how much more you have to spend to have a competitive car nowadays as Leon said. I would almost say it cost double to travel and race to what it did 10-15 yrs ago and payouts are the same. I think thats why you see 3 or 4 huge races for heads up cars and tons of local series now. If someone wanted to put together a race at say the clay city Mopar race (I think that is pretty centralized for everyone) for everyone later next year I would be down. I know the one guy has tried it before with the KOS reunion and had semi success. I did spectate one year, and couldn't make it the 2nd one. I actually have been talking to some guys about trying to have one at a local Mopar race here in NC. Stephen Daurity

One day I will have something cool here.