I don't think its dead. There def aren't many mopars out there running heads up stuff but there are a few of us. We are usually the only mopar that shows up at the races we go to, but the great thing is that we consistently qualify at least in the top 3 or 4 every time out and a lot of times #1. We've won several of these races being the only mopar. There are so many people out there that think a mopar can't compete in heads up racing buts apparently its because they aren't trying or they just plain aren't doing it right. Our car is nothing too fancy compared to most cars we compete against...just a low deck big block with 440-1 heads and a plate system. We are the smallest big block at every race we go to and our car is more of a street car than most cars we compete against. It just takes a little bit of effort and tuning and you can compete with a mopar no problem.