who are you. who is roy to decide what punishment is deserved for anything, yeah the guy shouldnt have been doing it, YEAH good for roy to stop the guy, to stand up to him, BUT WHEN DOES SOMEONE CROSS THE LINE?
my point of getting trained people to take care of this was to the comment that roy needed to ensure his safety, if anyone needs to go to extreme measures to ensure thier safety when other people are around, (let the guy flee, follow him and when he gets into an area say Stop Thief or something... liek all you say Roy is known, I know him from site with that 3 stooges moe haircut and dim smile, I'm sure plenty of people would have helped him subdue this guy...

its sad that people think that abiding by the law doesnt count to them when they catch someone else doing something wrong... he did wrong, so that makes it ok for someone else to do more wrong to him because, "that taught him a lesson".

FAT FAT CHECK with a couple zeros, thats the last i'm gonna say because its obvious there are people on this board that feel there should be people on horseback, roaming the country side with some rope, a gun and a good dose of vigilante justice.