Ever wonder why so few people jump off bridges ??? its because of the swift and immediate consequenses

the society we live in today have been brain washed to abolish consequences

i caught 2 kids who broke into my truck and where stealing my possesions..
i beat the shot of out one of them...
and my buddy chased and beat the shot out of the other one..
when the cops showed up...he saw my bloody knuckles and said.."dont tell me..as far as i am concerned you scratched them the getting out of your car in a hurry".
once the cops checked them out..
the criminals had mutiple warrants and one of them had one for Statutory Rape.....
The beating they suffered...was just.as far as I am concerned....
the Cops basically made sure it slid....
Consequenses...for those guys
besides the justice system..i can tell you those guys got a Consequences...they were not expecting that night..
ITS Pretty obvious that these criminals are not afraid of the Authorities...
but if they knew they would be brused,bloddied and sore...i promise they will/would make smarter choices in life....

PS. I wouldnt be surprised if Roys Actions cause that guy to change his ways....
and do right in life...
funny how a good ass kikin and the fear of God can do that...


365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured