
The person doing the crime is a misguided youth and he is your son ..

The kid does something stupid

Roy DOES dump fuel on him and someone sparks it off and he goes up

If that did happen (someone gets burned to death for stealing), it is a bit extreme and the person who did the burning would have to pay the price. I think most reasonable people would not light the match even with a gas soaked thief in front of them.

Now I'd say UNLESS you are one of the few people who care about the perp (family etc.) you wouldn't certainly condone death for stealing but you may think he was doing risky behavior by sneaking around stealing things, so whatever bad things happen to him are pretty much his own doing.

He is putting himself in a very volatile situation by choosing to take other people's things, so who can really predict or dictate what bad could happen to him (in the wide range of bad things, from getting pepper sprayed, to being beaten, burned, killed etc.). There is no way for him or anyone to predict what will happen to him, it all just comes with the territory. If he dies, well that is extreme, but he was in extreme territory and he chose to put himself there.

He didn't die, didn't get burned, and hopefully learned a valuable lesson.