As a mattter of fact, Yes ..I have met Roy , and talked to him for some period of time

Finals, staging lanes @ Scribner, Neb ..They were in still in Prostock and we were in Hot Rod

I like how people are offended by me saying, you can't just go around beating up and spraying brake cleaner in peoples eyes ?

First off , I don't prefr to live my life in fear of being attacked so I would never adopt that type of outlook but, thats just me

So I understand, you have given authority to two young boys to decide when it would be okay to assult someone with a very dangerous product that could result in perm damage ?

Wow, thats a pretty heavy bit of trust in a child that in most cases is not capable of making a decision like that ?

What if the person really was no threat, maybe needed a 9/16 wrench and he lost eyesight ?

If you think some smooth talking lawyer isn't going after what you have and will have , you are sadly mistaken

I'll make sure, if I ever have the oppertunity to be anywhere near you and your children to keep a safe distance

I have met your dad, talked to him at length also, he likes my truck

He was a very, very nice person to talk to .

God bless