
Right attorney, right jury ..

he will get allot more than legal fees for being beat up .

Sorry but, you can not take the law into your own hands unless under direct threat

Here, Texas ..You come onto my property and I catch you stealing , I can't kill you

UNLESS ..You have a weapon, any weapon and a fear for my life

Then , yes .. you can, its the law

Again , I am not on the perps side but, he can't enforce the law, he has no authority

We have police for that for a reason.

1. He didn't kill anyone, so I don't know how you think any of that is relevant.

2. I saw Roy Hill 3 weeks ago. I seriously doubt he could beat the crap out of anyone.

You know how stories get around. I wouldn't assume anything as fact until the real story comes out. I heard about it a couple hours ago and nothing about anyone getting beat up or doused in gas was in the story I heard.