Sort of side ways related.......does anyone remember when Jack Dempsey was leaving his joint in NYC and was accosted by a gang of youths intent on robbing him.
This made national news back then.
It was in the late 70's as I recall and Jack was somewhere near 80 yrs. old.
The youths left empty handed and in a hurry.
Closer to home , a former co-worker was getting a full rasher of crap from a much younger fellow at the tavern after work one time.
The younger man ( around 30 ) told him " If you weren't so old , I'd kicK your a** "
Don ( 50 yrs. ) told him " Don't let old stop you " and mopped up the floor with him.
Roy sounds like a guy who doesn't take any B.S. , and stood up for what is right.
Good work I say.