

"I think he plans on doing that at some point."
That would be a huge waste of time, kind of like this thread. I have enjoyed the pictures though

why? if the data to back it was these then you would have no case

No, No, NO, it is because the rear end swings in an arc and the pinion angle constantly changes, so that makes the data useless. If the rear simply went up and down and the pinion maintained the same plane, you might have a case, but it does not work like that. And by the way, it would be easy to do. You check the pinion angle with the car static, then raise or lower the car in whatever increments, you want and check it again. You log all these measurements, relative to shock position. Now, when said car is running down the track and you read the shock sensors, you could know the pinion angle at every point on the track. If you had ever looked at any shock graphs, you would realize this number would change during the entire run. I have numerous cars with shock sensors, that I could do this on. Why have I not? Because as Mike said, it is useless information, would tell you absolutely nothing of value.
