Originally Posted by moparacer
Originally Posted by mgoblue9798
Originally Posted by polyspheric
"Difficulty with staff"
The goal of every sole proprietor business is to hire someone to do the work, the profit is the difference between the price paid and his salary. If the transition from "hired" to "expert" is too soon (like week #2) and he screws up, it doesn't work.
They all do this: the gunk boy from BOCES built your 904.

Why is it slow?
He has a girlfriend, another business, outstanding warrants, bankruptcy, drinking problem, divorce.

You hit the nail on the head. I run my own small business, and decided a long time ago it was easier to keep things a one man operation to maintain good service. Any help I previously hired either turned out to be not very helpful, or left in short order starting their own business and attempting to steal clients.


Will 36 years in February for me being a one man band. I seen so many things screwed up over the years by someone's "help" I decided that it wasn't worth it for me to try and teach someone how to do it the way I have all these years so I just put in the hours and do it all myself. But I am getting to the point I can't go 100 mph with my hair on fire each day anymore, so I don't know what the future will hold.

I was going to post that maybe the guys he has working for him aren't very good too the other day when this all started. I have a couple manufacturers that I have dealt with issues the last few years and they only had one guy in the whole plant working awhile back, eek, or didn't even have material to build what I wanted....

Things really got screwed up after covid.

If he so chose to say anything near that , or be remorseful in any way I'd be understanding. all he would have to do is help with the bills or refund me part of the initial expense of everything since I did not get what I paid for

but, it looks intentional that he did it knowingly.

The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating.Proverbs 18:6