Originally Posted by BANDIT
I feel for ya. Back in June of 2019, I posted a thread about John's workmanship, with a picture or 2, on my 48RE tranny. He also replied to my post, eventually. Blamed his "employee" for the F##kup's, yes Plural, and then said he offered to make it right. He originally agreed to pay for the converter swap, because he sent incorrect one, twice. Then after I had bought the correct one myself and had it swapped, he offered to pay me a couple hundred bucks for the mess. Claimed I wasnt nice, so I wasnt nice after that. I try and call him every once in a while, just to see how he is doing, for old times sake. Jim.

Thats his MO apparently found that is works and now uses the technique .. I never yelled cussed, did anything that should have offended him.

The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating.Proverbs 18:6