well i got it aligned but im not to happy with the results.

Before it was really screwed up

caster -1.7 1.2
camber -.7 -.6
toe .25" .15"

After measurments were the best compromise

caster 2.5 3.2
camber .2 .2
toe .15" .10"

I was driving it home and on a back road the steering wheel and column was JUMPING up and down pretty several every now and then.

He couldnt give me any negative camber without screwing up the positive caster.

so, WHY was the steering wheel JUMPING?

If the spec says 1/16" toe, is that per wheel? or total between the two? it seems like .15" LEFT and .10" RIGHT would be .25" toe. is it?

Do I need tubular control arms to get this right?

I want the best cornering and the best straight away and best high speed stability.