Originally Posted By Darius
Dude!If this was my car I would NOT be sleeping now. It is close Bro, wish I could at least take it for a test drive! I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall when you tell people how much you SHOULD have charged to build this!

Thanks Darius, if it was my personal car, yeah, I'd be burning the midnight oil. As it is now, it's still filler work (although I have no shop time that needs to be filled!), and work on it when I can...but do find myself working a little later now!!

I tell people if you want one, bring an absolute obscene amount of money, otherwise, never again!

Couple more pics:

Craig Scholl
CJD Automotive, LLC
Jacksonville, FL

"I own a Mopar. I already know it won't be in stock, won't ship tomorrow, and won't fit without modification"