
I've never seen Squeeze any where other than the track

Hey Tommy......It sure was fun hanging out with you and the FAST crew at the Mopar Nats......That was a blast outside the hotel in Heath......


Squeeze , nice to put a face to a keyboard , what makes you think you have to explain yourself? , no one said you are a keyboard jockey , they may think it but names were never mentioned , i honestly thought it was me , so thanks .........maybe go back to that nitrous thread & correct a couple of things you said , only messin around , go have a beer & chill out.

I'm good ......and I do enjoy reading your posts (since we both think a LOT alike ).......I just had someone tell me today to check this thread out because it looked like it was about me..... I'd seen the thread, but it never crossed my mind that it could have been started with me in mind, so I thought I needed to post up......

If you can't handle the truth, you're living a lie.......