



I think there is some confusion as to who meets the criteria for this race section.I honestly feel that anyone who has an interest in the sport be it racer to fans and everyone between.Sharing the knowledge is great,sharing the interest is even better.The race topic spills into most every aspect of Mopar interest.Sharing,learning and just communicating with others create a common bond around the world,right here on Moparts.

Ding Ding Ding!!! We have a winner!! Well spoken,Bob!!

OF COURSE....ANY AND ALL are welcome, just there are too many "internet/keyboard experts" on here, thats all im saying.....

That's the great thing about it is those"keyboard experts" chime in show their true character or lack of character and we get tons of entertainment.This is a great way to find who is real and who is a poser.As long as we keep it civil,everyone can decide who is full of BS for them selves.You will always get varied opinions ,and how you are viewed is how you present yourself,good or bad.

At age 66, how I am viewed by others regarding this thread ( or forum ) doesn't rank real high on my priority list - and probably a good thing it doesn't. I enjoy many aspects of this sport. I like to work in my garage and do as much of my own stuff as I can. I enjoy and learn from this web sight and I like to give back to this web sight when and where I can. I like to go to the track to just T&T. I like to go to the track to race. I run an 11 second car. It doesn't have a rollbar and I use that as my "control button". As long as I remain healthy, tomorrow I may be building a 9 second car or restore another car for my wife. Last month I restored a 1980 Vespa Piagio Grande (that's an Italian bicycle with a motor on it ) for my Daughter. Obviously, I don't devote my entire existance ( and $ ) to racing, which is why I post on other forums within this web sight. For those that feel I am not qualified to post on this forum, - and have a great day!

Fastest 300