It came to my attention today that my name's been brought up in this thread and it may have been started because of me??? .......I'd seen the title, but never clicked on it until now........

8secDart said this and then Tony replied;



I think most are missing the point.I know that when a NOS post comes up one guy is going to answer.I don't think he has ever had a NOS car.You can read on the net and then give advise but till you really do it your just a keyboard racer.


Like already mentioned by 602Heavy;


Well , looks like you guys have really narrowed this down , not too many guys post on the nitrous threads , now lets think , Monte smith it can't be , you two guys? , squeeze? , some others? , guess that just leaves me

I looked up the last two nitrous threads and I didn't post in either one;
Exhibit Number 1..........
Exhibit Number 2..............

If this thread was started with me in mind, I have run nitrous since '92, althouth not any more than a 150 shot up until about 3-4 years ago.........Since then, the most I've sprayed on a customer's car is 300.......

I just got this 434" small block 3,150LB race weight S-10 to into the 8's......It runs 10.60's on motor and with a 250 shot (72 nitrous jet) through a single bar, Nitrous Works plate, I tuned it to a bunch of 9.0's and an 8.99 @ 147 a few weeks ago....... Click here to check it out.............. The guy's so happy he's beside himself.......It's a street truck and he doesn't even own a car hauler........He drove it to the track, ran an 8, drove it to Tulsa to eat dinner, and drove it home.......

Before that I tuned a customer's '66 Falcon from high 9.90's/10.0's on motor to 9.30's with a 150 shot by just taking timing away and leaning it out........He'd been racing it for three years and the best it'd run on the 150 shot was high 9.50's.......

I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the point.......

Like most people that turn their hobby into their business, I don't get as much time as I'd like to work on/race my own stuff as I used to and I'm hoping to change that next year, but I spend a LOT of time at the track tuning customer's cars........Ask anyone at Tulsa and they'll tell you I'm driving a different car every time I go to the track.......and they all run respectable........

Even if I didn't give nitrous help, I'm not a keyboard racer........ I've worked on Top Fuel cars as a fly-in clutch guy from '91 to '02........I quit in 02 because I was missing getting to watch my kids grow up.......Now I've got 4 kids (4, 7, 9 and 12 years old) and I try to take them camping every chance I get, so spare time to race my own car is really limited.............I did crew on two different Top Fuel cars this year.......Tim Cullinan's TF dragster at Chicago and Norwalk.....

.........and here I am flexing my muscles at Pomona a few weeks ago while doing the clutch on Del Worsham's car with Chuck (Del's Dad) tuning and Grand Downing driving......That's Grant to the left in the pic.....Del offered me a full time fly-in deal to work on the car next year with Alexis driving during testing after every race, but I turned it down, because I plan on getting busy with Brown Sugar.......(that didn't sound right, did it???!!! )..........Grant's wife was trying to get a pick of me with the banana in my mouth, so I turned and flexed so she could get a pic so I could get back to eating my dessert....

Here I am at Mopar Day last month in my GTS that I've owned since '87 and runs 10.60's @ 127 through exhaust manifolds with a stick........

Click here to see the pic..............

I also assemble and tune quite a few motors for customers (I'll be the first to tell you that I'm not an engine engine builder has a full machine shop, and I don't)......Three years ago, I had 3 employee's and I'd put together anywhere from 2 to 3 motor per month and was always at least a year out on work......Dwayne Porter was just telling me a few days ago that I had him do more heads than anyone.......but now, with the economy the way it is, it's down to just me and I'm staying fairly steady.......

I'm here just trying to help people.........Unlike a LOT of people on this board, you won't see me post unless I know a LOT about the subject and believe it or not, I've been trying to be more PC, but it sure is hard for me to convey tone over a keyboard.......

I've been called a lot of things, but this is the first time I've been called a Bench Racer......

If you can't handle the truth, you're living a lie.......