i'm with you guys ..i often wonder when i'm reading some of these posts, how much some of these guys even race ?? i'm not real sure what constitutes being a real racer, but i can tell you that i've been known to take rent$/car payment$/kids milk money to go racing...lol.sometimes bring some $ back home..somtimes NOT. thank god i gotta understanding wife, and a job to pay for my habit/hobby. i think the main thing to learn is, who's posts to pay attention to, and who's to ignore. oh.. and as for me, i just counted 78 time slips from 4 different tracks for this past summer. still waiting for that first win thou, made it to a few quarter finals, but thats about it. as much as i hate to admit it "thank god for buy backs"...i was a first rd. loser way more than i liked for sure. .the thing that gets me is that some of these guys prolly have the $ to race whenever they wanted and just don't because it's too much work...but i guess if it were easy everyone would do it..

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Last edited by racerAL; 11/23/10 10:22 PM.

-1967 Plymouth Satellite #3555
446 cid on E-85
best 1/4 et 10.577 @ 127.58
best 1/8 et 6.722 @ 100.68
best 60ft. 1.419