Can't agree, Monte.

When I first went to Indy in 1967, the entry list was 1300 some odd and the paid attendance was over 100,000. NHRA may have picked up more spectator only types because of the catering to the pros, but for every spectator they've picked up they've lost a stock/superstock/gasser/comp, and with them the four or five people that came with them to the big races. So, the best you can say in that regard that it has been a wash. Maybe yearly attendance is up, but, don't forget, they have twenty some odd races today, where they had four or six back then.

How can you say things are healthy when if one of the three or four guys who own everything folds up his tent tomorrow there goes half the field? When all these spectators that you say they draw show up at races disguised as a aluminum bleachers?

They've been correct in trying to grow the sport, but in doing so I believe they've lost more than they've gained.

As far as going to a Nostalgia said it yourself go to one. But, if you care to check it out, you will find that a lot of NHRA's ex customers do just that.

"Old age and treachery trumps youth and enthusiasm, every time!"

East Central Director / Chrysler Power Magazine