It's obvious to me that the powers that be in Pomona don't have any original ideas for improving the current format. Witness the current FUBAR state of the race to 'whatever' they are calling it, with a final elimination points chase like basketball. If I wanted to watch basketball I would, but I don't. And the tired attempts to copy whatever NASCAR is doing. Witness the rise, and sudden demise, of Pro Stock Truck.

Instead, they have consolidated their 'big show' categories and have actively encouraged multi car teams, while in one fell swoop have killed the Nitro match race circuit and made their national event venues effectively the only place where we can see the likes of current top Nitro cars, by limiting test sessions.

And while it's sad that Scott Kalitta died, one racer's death should not have led to the shortening of the race track to 1000'. Instead, the engine combinations should have been changed to both reduce the cost and reduce the horsepower to slow the cars down, thereby attracting more potential cars in the field.

NHRA has become yet another faceless corporation playing to the lowest common denominator, in an attempt to attract Joe Lunchpail to tune in and watch the freak show.

And I really don't care WHAT they've done lately for the sport - any kudos I could heap on them were accomplished years ago. Now, they are just protecting their product and their cashflow.

So yeah, I will go somewhere else. Maybe once in a blue moon to see a points race, but I won't watch it on the tube nor spend money on National Events tickets.