
"And while it's sad that Scott Kalitta died, one racer's death should not have led to the shortening of the race track to 1000'. Instead, the engine combinations should have been changed to both reduce the cost and reduce the horsepower to slow the cars down, thereby attracting more potential cars in the field."

Apparently not that sad. Hey, it's only one death. What's that in comparison to your happiness? The insurace company wanted immediate action or they were going to drop coverage. There would have been NO RACING. It isn't quite as easy to detune fuel cars as you seem to think. What is your expertise in this arena BTW? You do know that there is a consortium of fuel racers and product suppliers that are working on this as we speak? Do you even race? What? My guess is that you are just another monday morning quarterback.

You speak as if you work for Glendora...yes? So I guess by your estimation, there is no problem? First step in fixing a problem is recognizing there is one to begin with; otherwise you're in denial...

I've seen some rule changes get mandated within 1 - 2 races. And that consortium you speak of are only interesting in protecting their bottom line.
Gee, someone would have to pull out some old tuneups from 20 years ago - GREAT. Bring some parity back into the ranks, while we watch these guys get a handle on a new set up. Sure we'd see the teams struggle for a race or two but it would be no different than when Goodyear yanks a certain tire and mandates another one, or a certain type of blower is outlawed.

I've done my share of bracket racing over the years, and attended my 1st National event in 1979. So no, I am not some morning quarterback. I offer up some possible solutions to attract more teams, and make the cars safer while restoring the track to the full 1320. How about picking apart my solutions with some real solid reasons, not some answer that just seeks to maintain and justify the status quo with glib retorts.

If that's Monday morning quarterbacking, and what we have now is preferable to the 'old days' then I guess the future will bring 1/8 mile Nitro cars with Force and Schumacher fielding 8 car teams....and Nitro match racing will STILL be just as dead...