I eagerly await my weekly Dragster. I agree that it is better than ever. As for the NHRA bashers. My advice to you guys is to run somewhere else. If the NHRA sucks then get with the IHRA or some other junior league organization. You can't please all of the people all of the time. The NHRA does it's best to please as many as possible. And, you can be sure of this, without the NHRA drag racing as we know it would be greatly inferior.

Well, because of the NHRA the IHRA is my only choice in Salt Lake City. And I'm not saying our local track didn't help that situation to happen, but the NHRA did nothing to stop it. And I do like the Dragster and read it every week. But having raced with the IHRA the last couple of years, as well as with NHRA, IHRA seems to be much more Bracket and Sportsman friendly. And there is a lot wrong with the crap they have on the Pro racing coverage. It's obviously turning people off to our sport. When comments are made like "we have 2 winners, let them race in the finals" as was said in Seattle to the Pro Stock guys, it can be considered nothing more than pure arogance. Oh....and I'll race where the hell I want! Things at NHRA could and should be better!