

Here's an idea. When people preregister months in advance why don't you MAIL them their entry packet. It would be NICE to have a windshield pass so that you can drive right on into the event. I had to park a truck/trailer, walk over and stand in 3 different lines to finally get my packet, go back to get my car, affix the pass to it so I could then drive in. The system you have now where people drive in and short term park while they stand in line for a preregistration packet is just plain stupid. EVERY other decent show I go to would send your packet to you ahead of time so you can just get waived on in as you get there. Alleviates a lot of traffic problems. Come on and spend 45 cents of our entry fee.

I agree with you 100% and we ARE working on this. As a participant I never understood the process and also hated waiting in line. Now that I work here I understand it and I KNOW it can be better.

Just to let everyone know, it's not the cost of mailing the stickers. We don't do it that way because the cars actually get classified when they arrive and your class info is on that sticker. We are trying to move to a self-classification process because as most of you probably know, nobody actually looks at your car when you arrive at Gate 3. YOU tell US what car you brought and more often than not, YOU can find your class on the classification sheet faster than the person under the tent. Intentional misclassifications get corrected through one of two main methods. One, our staff sees your car is in the wrong class on the Showfield or two, you get ratted out by others in the class who know you don't belong there.

I'd like to just be able to say, "Here are the classes, pick yours when you pre-register." The problem is, I have to keep the classes fluid because they are always changing. Anyone rememeber when we used to have 12 PT Cruiser classes? That was because there were so many PTs that we needed that many classes. Now they have dwindled to the point where I have only have 2. Probably 98% of the classes remain constant but there are those classes that always change. Lately it's been the LX classes and the truck classes - basically anything that's in current production.

Wow, sorry for the long response but I wanted you guys to know that it's not the cost of the stamp and I am working on it.


Yes, please streamline this process. There's no reason to stand in 3 lines to register.

69 Road Runner Vert