My response was quite simply put, on a .500 tree there is no way I can add enough rollout to stay green, unless I were to add 30" tall tires and throw some 500 plus pounds in the car, not gonna happen, I'll just stop running the class and I won't cry about it. However if you think it is not an advantage to those bottom bulb racers who are already set up for a .500 full tree bottom amber flash then you my friend are insane. Again I am sure that I could make my car react without the delay box(rollout box) to hit the tree, but not in a feasible way to switch between that and bracket mode. It is funny how things have gotten misinterpreted. I said that I was okay with going to .500 tree, it does not bother me, anyone that knows me at the track knows that I am a huge advocate for close races. I get very little satisfaction out of non close races, and was very congratulatory of Pat Norton for the butt kicking he laid on me at Martin. I don't see there being a easy equalizer for the heavy cars to cut a .400 tree, but if they go to .500 it will be extremely easy for them to go .00 to .01 and an easy equalizer for the light weight cars is to allow the rollout box to make them leave no different than the heavy cars. Lets party, lets everyone get off the line with .00 lights and see what happens at the stripe, makes no difference to me. And yes I was being sarcastic about the Super Gas cars since they all seem to be running 150mph and are capable of launching under 1.24 60'.

Please don't take all my comments out of context