
Forgive me for wanting to see them changed, when my input several years ago on this forum was ignored(to leave it alone and keep it like it originally was) and the rules were changed by others on here to what they currently are. ..hey, if they dont get changed, they dont get changed, but from reading this post, the guys who pay the entry fees seem to like keeping everything the same except going to a 500 tree...or did i miss something???

I havn't ran it since 07 but this is my
I spoke out back then as well and asked for the 500 tree and no electronics at all. It started out as a street car type race, they changed the rules to get the car count up which I do understand. I'm with you, a 500 tree would be better and may help the car count even more. I ran the 10.0 in 06 and 07, I had alot of fun but knew I didn't have a change to win. I Qualified #2 at Columbus and #1 at 131 but I knew at 3470lbs on S/S leafs and foot braking it was just more time runs. At the time we spoke out back then some of wise guys on here said we need to change are cars to fit the class rules if we didn't like them.