Originally Posted By Dodgeguy101
Originally Posted By tboomer
I have no dog in this fight and it looks to me that some people are running their mouth that also have no dog in this fight. I wish the new owners nothing but the best! Ted beer

I have to agree wholeheartedly. I will say, I have lost some respect for a few on here because of it. Dont know the guys, just their contributions to the site, which I enjoy, but would have thought they had more sense than to get into the middle of something they know nothing about.

Flame on. LMAO

You should get flamed for not wanting shady businesses in our hobby outed. Guess if you two were king we'd never speak of any nefarious characters and the buyer would always be completely on his own. These guys dug this hole, and keep digging it deeper. Not any of the rest of our faults. If it bothers you two that bad, just walk on away and save your whining for when a business does you wrong.

I want my fair share