Oh boy, back to square one. Fact, it's not a new company. Fact, yes there was a change in management. Fact, yes there are new investors. Fact, all debt still applies. Fact, all orders must be filled, or money refunded, unless bankruptcy is filed then it depends which chapter is filed. Now with the change in management, that's no different than large companies changing CEO's. The investors are no different than you or I buying stock in a company. Doesn't matter if you buy one share or a hundred shares, you become a owner and the company does NOT become a new company just because you invested. Maybe it's true that the new investors are truly stand up guys and are doing there best. I do know that I've been lied to from the new management. The new management needs to come clean, stop with the smoke and mirrors, stop with the lies. Lay down a solid plan, put it out there and stick to it. They need to explain where finished and paid for blocks disappeared to. I really hope they can get this mess figured out, and get the company back up and running the way it should be. There's a lot of wrongs that need to be righted, and many have come from the new management.