Originally Posted By The Shadow
Just out of curiosity AL out of the approx 50 blocks owing how many people do you know that are owed blocks?

Two to be exact. One a personal friend who has not heard a peep on a block paid in full. He has since taken it up with his credit card company to get his money back from what he tells me. The second is a guy who is an acquaintance that I sold my last Mega Block to as to help the guy out. Have not spoken to him in a few weeks so not sure if he has been contacted at all. I have no reason to doubt their word at all.

I have no desire to see them fail or go away. I have stated such in this thread. I have two of their blocks as well as an Indy and World aluminum block. No doubt the KB is the best of the three. But we went with Indy and World at the time because we could get them. My opinion is it just could have been handled better from a PR point. Then things like reactions in this thread would likely not exist. Just my .02

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"