Hey how about all you guys come to Carlisle this weeekend in space E107 to E111 and see one of these blocks in person for yourselves. WHY do moparts members think that they are the whole mopar universe? PEOPLE are getting blocks. I can tell everyone here that I personally have shipped 5 in the last couple months/ Just because I am not here everyday getting yelled at for all of the free advertising we are getting does not mean squat. Hey I am a Moparts member, heck I even help sponsor the board. Have for years. I just loaded it in the trailer for Carlisle. Do I count? Anyone here want to see my Moparts membership card?
As far as the legal crap is involved, I have said repeatedly that I totally get the level of frustration that is out there among customers with owed blocks. That list is shrinking by the day. A good many of these blocks are total custom jobs which are difficult to do under any circumstances. It is not like the new owner just got handed the keys to a great running business.There were numerous issues that had to be resolved which has been chronicled here at length. I can personally vouch for knowledge of at least 15 to 20 blocks that have left KB in the last few weeks and NO all of them did not go to pre existing orders. A good many have. Tim has some,Ray has some, and I have some. Come see one in living color for yourselves. Most of the people that have gotten one (INCLUDING a member here) have given STRICT instructions NOT to give out any information on him or his location. Just because no one is on here waving the arms and shouting LOOK at me!!!!! Does not mean anything. The website (still under construction) is up as well as the facebook page with nearly constant updates. Check them out for yourselves.
Sorry if I seem a little miffed but I have had my head caved in for the last 6 months on this and the guys are running as fast as they can after every issue. There have been more blocks shipped in the last 60 days than the last 3 years combined. If we try to explain things people say oh your just making excuses and if we do not try then we are hiding somehow. MY phone rings almost daily asking about them. COME AND SEE ONE.