My 2 sense in something I am not involved with, but would like to comment.
On the investors side of the fence: It does take time, engineering, planning, $$$ good PR packaging and a common business sense to get things off the ground right from the start as in making blocks with no known name or history to them.

KB was a name synonymous with great products and performance so it was a given to latch onto that legacy and their block/design casting jigs.

Now, on the side of those who are owed: In this case, the investors have what seems to be good intentions, but while being tethered to a now infamous name that has dug quite a few holes for itself.
Lots of dirty laundry has to pass the wash cycle before it smells of clean and dry and the investors should know this going into this hot kitchen.
That being said, I would clean up the messy dishes with good durable and perfectly machined blocks first and foremost delivered to those who are owed. Only then will the wash cycle water come clean and only then will the Hemi and Wedge guru's be there on line to make good examples of the new blocks for current and future clients.
