Originally Posted By Al_Alguire
I agree. This is NOT a new company period. It is the same company with some new partners and an influx of cash. Some of the new cash people had a vested interest in seeing the good promised delivered. Seems they have been taken care of in q much quicker order than those who have been waiting years in some cases. Not sure why some here seem to think that is fine and dandy but passed obligations well that's the past and we will get to it when we get to it. I'm all for them buying INTO the business and providing it with a much needed(apparently)influx of cash and maybe a bit of a new perspective. But the fact remains the obligations and people owed money are just that. Still owed monies for goods that have been paid for. Obligations which were there when they decided to put up their money to buy into an existing business.

As I stated earlier I wish KB and the new investors all the best. IMO this has been handled very poorly from a PR perspective for sure. People who put money in apparently have gotten some of their money back in short with new blocks, while others who have been waiting for extended periods of time are still waiting. I just don't see why many here see no problem with this, or at least the appearance of a problem. I also don't understand why there would be ANY secrecy regarding those who have already received blocks that were owed blocks. Seems to me I would be trumpeting those who have received the goods they paid for. After all according to what I am reading here they are owed nothing.....

Well said Al!

You won't see a dime of my money until everybody is taken care of (owed blocks).
You took on the business, you took on the responsibility of the past customers, PERIOD!

You want us to trust you guys, show me some results of taking care of the people that are in limbo.

KB is still on the hook, trust me on that!